
South dakota wic approved food list
South dakota wic approved food list

south dakota wic approved food list

Contain at least 10 milligrams of iron per liter of formula (at least 1.5 mg/100 kilocalories) at standard dilution.Be designed for enteral digestion via oral or tube feeding.If an infant is fully formula fed or partially breastfed, the WIC Program will provide iron-fortified infant formula for the first year of life.

south dakota wic approved food list

  • USDA requires that the WIC Program encourages breastfeeding of infants.
  • These regulations are in accordance with the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The WIC Program is required by federal regulations to use iron fortified formula when breastfeeding is supplemented, discontinued or not possible.
  • Prescriptive Health Authority (Prescriber): An individual who has the authority to prescribe a non-contract formula, such as a physician, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, or certified midwife.
  • WIC-Eligible Nutritional (WEN): Certain enteral products that are specifically formulated to provide nutritional support for individuals with a diagnosed medical condition when the use of conventional foods is precluded, restricted or inadequate.
  • south dakota wic approved food list

    Low Iron Formula: Infant formulas that contain less than 1 milligram of iron per 100 kilocalories of formula.Formula: Milk or soy-based product used as a partial or complete substitute for human breast milk for feeding an infant.Exempt formulas are not always found on grocery store shelves and may need to be ordered ahead of need, often through a pharmacy. Exempt Formula: Represented and labeled for use by infants who have inborn errors of metabolism, low birth weight or who otherwise have unusual medical or dietary problems.

    south dakota wic approved food list

    This includes non-contract/non-exempt, exempt, and WENs. Non-Contract Formula: All formulas other than the contract infant formulas.Contract Infant Formula: A specific formula that has gone through a bid process to become the primary choice of formula issuance.PURPOSE: To provide guidance to WIC staff on formula issuance and usage. Hold "Ctrl" and Press "F" to search for keywords on this page.

    South dakota wic approved food list